Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tip: How to Know when your Paste is Ready to Use

TIP:: How can you tell that your henna paste is ready to make beautifully dark tattoos?:

After you have mixed your paste, transfer it from the bowl you mixed it up in to a plastic zipper closing plastic sandwich bag.  Then zip it up and place in on a paper towel someplace humid and slightly warm (I use the top of my fridge) .  Leave it at least 6 hours, then lift the baggy of henna paste from the paper towel - if you see an orange stain beginning to develop where the baggy once laid....BINGO!  If not leave it another 6 hours and repeat until it appears.

How long should it take? It depends on your climate, the humidity and temperature of your area.  All these factors make the henna paste act uniquely for the circumstances.  Once the stain appears you can rest assured the paste is perfect for making tattoos every time ( it will peak in about 4 -5 days from mixing regardless, unless the powder you bought was very old - check the date on the packaging - if there is no date I would be suspect of the ingredients and quality) sometimes sooner, not often later.

Happy Henna Tattooing

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