Sunday, November 4, 2012

TIP: How to get a DARKER henna tattoo

TIP:: How to get a darker henna tattoo:

First  and most obvious is to leave the henna paste on as long as possible.  One way to help you do that is to loosely wrap the henna tattoo with light weight tissue, like bathroom tissue or Kleenex.  Only do this when the paste is no longer shiny, but before it is so dry it is crumbling away from your skin.  Then semi-loosely wrap the tissue area with cling wrap, as in the kitchen for preserving left overs.

Leave the wrap on at least a few  hours or over night.  Viola! A beautifully dark tattoo will emerge(provided the henna paste used was not applied to your skin before it was ready to produce dye or so old it was no longer able to produce dye). 

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